1,Zoya Gutina at the World of Beads VIII: A 20 Year Retrospective 2,Grand opening of the World of Beads VIII 3,Visitors at the exhibit 4,Visitors at the exhibit 5,Group of the China Shard Challenge participants 6,Silent Auction. BSGNY 20th Anniversary
China Shard Necklace & Earrings by Larry Vrba 7,Workshop at the exhibit 8,Workshop at the exhibit 9,Workshop at the exhibit 10,Marketplace at the exhibit 11,Marketplace at the exhibit 12,Marketplace at the exhibit 13,Visitors at the exhibit 14,Visitors at the exhibit 15,Yoshi Marubashi makes a picture 16,Yoshi Marubashi and Zoya Gutina at the case with Zoya's works 17,Zoya Gutina. Poppy Field 18,Zoya Gutina. Midsummer Night's Dream 19,Yoshi Marubashi. Beaded Bag 20,Yoshi Marubashi. Beaded Bag. Detail 21,Nina Libin. Autumn in Connecticut 1 22,Mary M. Tynes. A Charmed Life 23,Reiko Ohtsuka. Castilian Lace 24,Ruth Oisteanu. Barbershop Pole Bracelet 25,Suzanne Golden. Cirque du Soleil #1 26,Suzanne Golden. Cirque du Soleil #2 27,Lisa A. Wood. Aurora Borealis 28,Marsha Davis. 4 Stitch Collar 29,Masami Sato. Autumn 1929 30,Ruth Oisteanu. Fall Leaves Bracelet 31,Merie Berelowitz. Teddy Bears Picnic 32,Masami Sato. Bear Bead 33,Yoshi Marubashi. The Bag Story 34,Yoshi Marubashi. Little Red Riding Hood: Her Name Is Esther 35,Yoshi Marubashi. Little Red Riding Hood: Her Name Is Esther. Detail 36,Yoshi Marubashi. Little Red Riding Hood: Her Name Is Esther. Detail 37,Susan Feingold. New York City Jacket 38,Esther Esses. Wedding Bag For Mazal 39,Dolores Rizzo Tesch. Sequin Cornflower 40,Linda Rettich. Sea Fan Collar 41,Victoria King. Seafoam Necklace 42,Cynthia Stern. Sea Anemones 43,Cynthia Stern. St. Petersburg 44,Cheryl Dolinger Brown. Beaded Evening Bag 45,Marie Michal. Perfect Landing 46,Masami Sato. Leaf Bracelet Watch 47,Sally Chaffee Maron. Under A Persian Moon 48,Cynthia Stern. City Lights 49,Suzanne Golden. Rainforest Bracelet 50,Suzanne Golden. Spring Bloom Bracelet 51,Suzanne Golden. What The Mermaids Wear 52,Cynthia Stern. Jeweled Griffin 53,Danielle Ansley. Queen Of The Forest 54,Danielle Ansley. Turquoise 55,Carole Horn. The Circus Is In Town 56,Leah Becker. fa-KLIMTed 57,Reiko Ohtsuka. Easterly 58,Yoshi Marubashi. One Sunny Day: All You Need 59,Yoshi Marubashi. One Sunny Day: All You Need 60,On the middle shelf: Adele Recklies. Why Is Everybody Always Picking On Me 61,Adele Recklies. Why Is Everybody Always Picking On Me. Detail 62,Susan Blank. Victorian Lady 63,Judith Fliegenspan. Bouton 64,Mona Grinspan. Another Fish Tale 65,Mona Grinspan. Circles To My Heart 66,Reiko Ohtsuka. Crystal Rain 67,Barbara Packer. Directional 68,Linda Rettich. Brain Coral Fantasy 69,Marsha Davis. Buried Ring Necklace #2 70,Anne Philipps. Pink Nautilus 71,Suzanne Golden. Welcome to Hawaii 72,Gizela Cass-Stieglmayr. "Collar" Me Blue 73,Cheryl Dolinger Brown. Healing Into Spring 74,Barbara Aubrey. Wowen Necklace 75,Dolores Rizzo Tesh. Deep Purple Fall 76,Marie Michal. Red Attraction 77,Marie Pellegrino. Summer's Magic 78,Hannelore McDaniel. Angola 79,Evelyn Letfuss. Gertrud's First Computer 80,Annette Tacconelli. Urban Artifact #12 Ruffle 81,Elizabeth Archer. Tiger, Tiger 82,Carole Horn. Necklace 1 83,Yoshi Marubashi. Collectors Necklace 84,Anne Philipps. Joyful Glitz 85,Elke Kuhn. A New Start 86,Kyouko Takashina. The Belly Dance 87,Carole Horn. Local Color 88,Carole Horn. Neptune's Garden 89,Ryoko Ichinomiya. Nostalgia 90,Mona Grinspan. Maypole 91,Kristin Krauskopf. The Frog Of Copper Canyon 92,Roberta Manfredo. Nature's Gift 93,Ellen Friedenberg. Over And Under 94,Yoshi Marubashi. Triangle Pendant Pouch 95,Dolores Rizzo Tesh. Amulet Purse 96,Lydia T. Gonzalez. De La Terra Y Mar 97,Hannelore McDaniel. Lillys' Gathering 98,Masami Sato. Veggie King Insists "It's All Mine" 99,Marsha Davis. Neck Piece 100,Yoshi Marubashi. Africa. Detail 101,Marsha Davis. Chrochet Necklace With Turquoise Pendant 102,Dolores Rizzo Tesh. Vino & Chartreuse 103,Anne Philipps. Apache Necklace 104,Barbara Aubrey. Study In Color And Dimension 105,Barbara Aubrey. Amulet Bags 106,Yoshi Marubashi. Bracelet 107,Karen Frankfeldt. Coral Reef 108,Suzanne Golden. The Lunatic Fringe 109,Nina Libin. Vest Of Stars 110,Anne Philipps. Green Mansions 111,Sibyll Walton. Humbugs 112,Gisela Cass-Stieglmayr. Dragonfly Necklace 113,Marian Fay Levitt. Fish Got To Swim 114,Ruth Milts. Time Enough