Happy 2013 Year!
We hope 2012 has been such a great year for you and we
believe it only continues getting better. Thank you to
all for your support and your sweet and encouraging
compliments, we take all of them to heart. We wish you
all the best! Read in the December issue:
Contact us with any questions at
Best regards, MyLovelyBeads.com Team
Stone of December: TURQUOISE
Communication, grounding, connection between physical
and spiritual planes. Brings happiness and good fortune to all,
attracts healing spirits, making it a premier healing stone.
Protective stone, guards against violence and accidents, valuable
amulet for travelers. Zodiac signs: Pisces (Fish), Scorpio
(Scorpion), Sagittarius (Archer).
Rubellite resembles ripe raspberries
Believe it or not, but people in some countries
think one of the gems of the winter month of
December is rubellite - gem, that doesn't
resemble snow or icicles. The name of the stone
comes from the Latin word RUBELLUS,
which translates as "reddish"; rubellite is a
pink-red variety of tourmaline. Ruby red
rubellites resembling ripe raspberries are
especially prized.
However there is an exception here where not
all red tourmalines are called rubellites.
Rubellites are not just red or shocking pink
tourmalines. There is a criterion to be
followed and met for a red tourmaline to be
called a rubellite tourmaline.
Basically, gemstones tend to change color based
on the light source. However this does not exist
in the case of true rubellites. This means that
the rubellite tends to shine as intensely in
artificial light as it does in daylight. In the
case of red or pink tourmaline, the stone tends
to display a tinge of brown in the presence of
artificial light.
In the fascinating world of the gemstones, there
is hardly any other stone, which has such a
persuasive erotic aura. The color range of the
rubellite comprises tender shocking pink as well
as ambivalent violet. It takes these two
components to get the best out of that seductive
red. Fortunately, Mother Nature has created the
rubellite in many color nuances, so that every
woman can select the right rubellite for her type.
Rubellites are quite rare and have only become
popular in the last few centuries. Some of the
Russian Crown Jewels from the 17th century,
once thought to be rubies, are actually fine
examples of rubellite gemstones. Rubellites are
believed to strengthen love and devotion as well
as inspire creativity. Rubellite gemstones are
also thought to help reduce stress, tension and
Rubellites are cut in the most various ways,
though the cutter must take account of the
varying intensity of the color. Rubellites
are mainly found in Brazil, Madagascar,
Mozambique, Nigeria and Pakistan. Some
beautiful shocking pink rubellites come from
gemstone mines in the USA.
Fashion Colorworks. Photo requirements
Submitting good quality photographs is very
important to your chances of winning. We know
your main concern is creating beautiful
jewelry, not photographing it, but if your
pictures don't sufficiently display your
artwork's quality, no one including contest
jurors will see how beautiful it is! Main
photo requirements are:
• Minimum resolution of 72 dpi
(dots per inch), that is good for HTML
• Square images must be at least
1000 x 1000 pixels;
• Rectangular images must have one
dimension that's at least 1000 pixels;
• Save digital image files in JPG
file format;
• All images must be 2 megabytes
or less (otherwise we're at risk not to
receive your entry form, even if you get a
"thank you" page)
• No text, watermarks or other
identifiers in the image (for anonymous
• Maximum 3 images per entry: one
shot displaying the entire item and two
close-ups (clasp, finishing method, focal,
detail of fine workmanship, etc.);
• Fill as much of the frame as
possible with your piece; avoid using props
or models;
• Avoid loud or distracting
backgrounds (use neutral solid backgrounds,
such as gray or white).
Application with attached pictures of entries is
sent trough provided online form. The form will
open on the website and the entries are accepted
since April 1, and the last submission day is June
15. Read all the details of the contest, including
how to enter, and then start beading!
Fashion Colorworks 2013 Beading Contest Rules
Royal jewelry for every woman
The art of self-adornment is as old as man.
Beadwork is among the most ancient types of
jewelry. Every woman wants her own, unique
look, and Alla Maslennikova from Moscow is
always ready to either match or enhance
individuality of any women. Her royal-like
and themed sculptured beaded jewelry takes
people's breath away!
Alla says, "In 2013 I really want to continue my
Joaillerie Royal Collection (Royal Jewelry
Collection) of beaded jewelry, which the Baroque
Necklace belongs to. Drafts of the new necklace
are already done, color palette is found, and most
of the materials are already collected. There is
just a small thing left: to weave a necklace in
square rope technique that would be more
complicated and intricate necklace than "Baroque"
is! I also plan to continue a series of my themed
jewelry (like Playing Hedgehogs Necklace and others);
there are several ready-made designs with selected
materials. There will also be exotic animals and
mythological characters.
Of course, I'd like to give a try to something
new; I have accumulated quite a lot of interesting
ideas, which for various reasons could not be
implemented before. Some of them have been thought
over for more than a year and maybe in 2013 year
I'll be lucky to start. I won't tell you about
them in details, let it be a surprise.
As to my achievements in the past year, they are
mainly related to the Baroque Necklace. Apart from
it I was able to implement several other, less
ambitious though also interesting in their own
ideas, but I consider the Baroque is my main
beadwork in 2012.
The Baroque Necklace won three competitions: the
first and most important was "Battle of the
BeadSmith", specifically for which it was created,
then "Baroque" took first place in the contest
"Arts and Crafts" in the Art Week in Moscow, and
finally it entered the top ten of the best works
in the competition "The best gift for the New
Year's Day 2013" held by the "Fair of Masters",
Russia's largest Internet portal of handmade work.
Necklace "Baroque" is made in the style of Romanov
dynasty royal jewelry. Particularly important for
me was that I finally took up the theme, which I
did not dare to approach, although I've hatched
my plans for a long time. Jewelry of the Russian
Tsars is considered being one of the finest in the
world jewelry history; and I felt that I haven't
been ready to face such a complex task neither
technically nor as an artist..."
Full article by Alla Maslennikova
Bead artwork by Alla Maslennikova
Email: to@beadlady.ru
Website: www.beadlady.ru
Blog (in Russian): bead-lady.livejournal.com
Shop (in Russian): beadlady.livemaster.ru
What is it - Bridge jewelry?
Bridge jewelry is so named because it spans the
gap between fine & costume jewelry. Bridge
jewelry is made of precious metal - usually
sterling silver, but also of gold filled and
vermeil; the other materials include crystal,
glass and gems. Gemstones used in bridge jewelry
are semi-precious. That would include any
gemstone that is not ruby, emerald, diamond or
Examples of semi-precious gemstones in bridge
jewelry are aquamarine, opal, garnet, citrine,
topaz, amethyst, lapis, onyx, turquoise,
malachite, quartz, freshwater pearls - the list
goes on and on. Just a word here on the quality
of gemstones. A poorly cut, bad specimen of ruby
can be worth much less than a excellent specimen
of say, aquamarine or turquoise.
This category of jewelry has many names in
the market including art jewelry, craft jewelry,
indie jewelry, and handmade jewelry. Bridge
items are high quality accessories that can be
worn every day. Bridge work techniques include,
but are not limited to the following:
metalsmithing, lampwork, metal clay sculpting,
polymer clay sculpting, forging, beadwork, wire
wrapping, and casting.
Bridge jewelry by Luis Vallejo
Involve me and I'll understand
Through the ages, beads have changed and
improved, giving rise to improvements in
beadwork techniques. Today beadwork is enjoying
a renaissance, and continues to increase in
popularity. Olga Haserodt from Germany is hooked
on crafts since her childhood; and beadwork is
her main passion now. No wonder her intricate
beaded jewelry makes its wearers happy.
Olga says, "I've thought for a long time, that
I was already an adult when I knew beads, but it
was a mistake. Recently I remembered one already
forgotten fact: when I was in school my friend
showed me a very nice beaded jewelry and invited
me to the classes held in the Palace of Youth
(I was living in the city of Astrakhan at that
time). I was bored sitting and stringing bead by
bead on a thread, I wanted to run and jump and
my first lesson became the last.
The years passed. It so happened that my family
(my husband and my children are the Germans) and
I have already lived in Germany in a small
village surrounded by vineyards for more than 10
years. I was pregnant with a third child, when
during one of the rides by car I saw a billboard
advertising an exhibition and sale of Easter
eggs. I asked to stop for a short time to see the
exhibition. Watching beauty and art design of
Easter eggs created by craftsmen from across
Europe made me want to try my hands and become
part of the creative show next year.
I asked the organizers of the show and I was
given six months to create my collection, but
how could I pay the attention of experienced
professionals? Turning over hundreds pages in
the Internet, I came across a beaded Easter eggs,
and beads burst into my life with a bang!
Gradually the scope of bead use have expanded,
I've learned more and more techniques.
Chinese proverb says, "Tell me and I'll forget;
show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll
understand." - that can be completely applied to
my working process.
I like taking part in the bead contests: you are
given a theme and you offer your interpretation.
I love to plunge enthusiastically into the world
of bead art of other artists, explore and enjoy
themed beadworks by my colleagues for hours. For
me, the main part in the competition is to find
an idea, a style, and then step by step to pick
up everything necessary and to try new materials,
new techniques, and this is a victory for me:
I did it!"
Full article by Olga Haserodt
Beadwork by Olga Haserodt
Email: olga.haserodt@gmx.net
Blog: perlenharmonyoase.blogspot.de
Davanda Shop: de.dawanda.com/shop/PerlenHarmonieOase
Step by step - Curly bead jewelry
A year ago we published the article by Olga
Arsentieva "Extending framework of techniques"
where this young bead artist from Belorussia
told us about her creativity and her own bead
world. Olga uses an original way to design
and make her intricate, lacy and curly
beadworks that make people admire Olga's
jewelry and make them think about beadwork
as of true art.
Olga was very kind and prepared a sort of
tutorial (process in pictures) explaining how
to make such a type of beadwork. We hope the
tutorial in pictures would be useful for you
if you want to make intricate and extremely
attracted beaded jewelry pieces.
Tutorial by Olga Arsentieva: Curly bead jewelry
Olga Arsentieva: Extending framework of techniques
Upcoming events
New Waves 2013 at MOCA
January 25 - April 28, 2013
Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art
2200 Parks Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
MOCA presents its annual juried exhibition,
New Waves 2013 for the 18th year. Over 180
artists from across Virginia submitted work
and proved, yet again, that the Commonwealth
contains a rich and vast array of artistic
talent. This exciting exhibition demonstrates
the diversity of materials and approaches
that are used in contemporary art today.
OPENING JANUARY 25TH 6:30-8:30PM. We are glad
to inform you that Zoya Gutina's beadwork is
selected for the New Waves 2013
1st Annual Spring Jewelry Making Retreat
March 3 - 6, 2013
The Overleaf Lodge Event Center
280 Overleaf Lodge Lane, Yachats, Oregon 97498
Treat yourself to the beautiful experience of a
3-day vacation of beading and jewelry making in
the midst of the central Oregon Coast. Yachats,
Oregon is the perfect location for a gathering
of beginning students to learn basic as well as
current techniques and beautiful designs from
local and accomplished instructors. Join for
this lovely retreat in the beautiful setting of
the Overleaf Lodge and Spa Event Center. The
Overleaf Lodge and Spa offers a nurturing
environment with resort-style comfort and
hospitality unmatched.
The Event Center with fireplace provides a private
space with small group classes, resulting in your
creativity thriving as well as new friendships
that will last a lifetime. You'll also have the
opportunity to work one on one with 4 instructors
for each class, giving you a range of beading
and jewelry making knowledge to take home and
Join the retreat to share knowledge and friendship
at this unique event. Registration is due by January
31st, 2013. Military discounts are available. For
registration cost and more details please visit the
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December Issue
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