Happy New 2012 Year!
We are happy to meet you in 2012! Stay with us! In the 2012 first issue
of MyLovelyBeads.com newsletter:
Contact us with any questions at
Best regards, MyLovelyBeads.com Team
Stone of January: GARNET
Garnet is known as the stone of health - ridding the body of negative
energies and transmuting them to a beneficial state. Also know in the
past as a stone of commitment - to purpose, to others, to oneself.
Zodiac signs: Capricorn (Seagoat), Leo (Lion), Aquarius (Water Bearer),
Virgo (Virgin).
White Sea gemstone
Winter as well as the other seasons tirelessly inspire
all artists, no matter how they create their artworks
whether with a brush and paint or using a needle and
beads. The severe northern land where winter reigns for
a long time also gives scope for creativity to poets,
writers, artists and even scientists. In honor of the
icy waters of the White Sea the Soviet academician
A. Fersman named the gem found in this area. Belomorite
is a variety and the trade name for adularia (moonstone)
from the White Sea (Beloe More) area, in the Northern
Karelia in northern Russia. Belomorite is milky white
pearl color, sometimes with blue and purple tints.
It is believed that belomorite has a calming effect on the
nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia, nightmares,
and drives off improves the cardiovascular system. It's
said that belomorite has the ability to amplify man's
connection with the past and help predict the future,
increasing the gift of clairvoyance. Belomorite can take a
negative energy and negative emotions from a person, but
it must be periodically cleaned from the negative in the
usual way by keeping it in running water for some time.
The indigenous people of the Northern Karelia where
belomorite was discovered found this gem a talisman, able
to guard its wearer from evil forces trying to capture
the soul of man. Belief of this gem magical property was
so strong in Northern Russia, that unmarried girls very
often put a piece of gem under the pillow before going to
bed to dream of their future husband.
Belomorite belongs to inexpensive semiprecious stones.
Because of its rarity it is used in jewelry much less than
usual moonstone though jewelry items with belomorite are
beautiful. This gem is often cut as balls, pyramids,
drop-shaped beads and cabochons; the collectors like it.
The lovers of beads can successfully use belomorite in
their works: if you take a closer look into "gem heart"
you will feel discreet beauty of the gem, so reminiscent
of brilliance severe beauty of the White Sea cold waters.
Happy birthday, MyLovelyBeads.com!
It seems like it was yesterday - we mean our website
launch, but MyLovelyBeads.com is 5 years old! For the
last year we have worked hard to serve our customers
and provide all interested in beadowork people
different information. We have featured and you could
meet the bead artists from many countries: Nancy Dale,
Eva Maria Keiser, Douglas Johnson and Marsha
Wiest-Hines from the USA, Tamuna Lezhava from Georgia,
Ibolya Barkoczi from Hungary, Orna Voloh from Israel,
Corra Liew from Malaysia, Olga Orlova, Julia Turova,
Alexandra Matveenko and Elizaveta Fedorenko from Russia,
Irina Slobodyanik from Ukraine, Olga Arsentieva from
Our second international
Fashion Colorworks Beading Contest made another
success: 99 participants from 25 countries submitted
149 entries, and we published interviews with the
contest winners: Fumiko Sekine (Japan); Angelika
Motzkin and Svetlana Dubinsky (Israel); Svetlana
Karimova (Poland); Aleksey Soloviev (Ukraine);
Evgeniya Semina, Julia Turova, Margarita Kruchinina
and Ulyana Moldovyan (Russia).
Fashion Colorworks 2012 is already announced and
we believe it is going to be more interesting and we
will discover new bead artist names. Good luck to all
participants! If you want to be a contest sponsor
please email us at
We send out our newsletter to about 7,300 subscribers
from all over the world. The number of MyLovelyBeads.com
monthly visitors is more than 60,000! Of course, the
website under permanent improvement to make you feel
better when you come to us to buy a piece of Zoya
Gutina's jewelry or to relax reading interesting
information! We love any visitors; if you have any
suggestions or feedbacks feel free to email us at
Your opinion is very important to us!
Our Fashion Colorworks Beading Contest is free, our
newsletter is also free, but... If you want to support
our efforts to promote bead art, you can use our PayPal
account email address
Welcome to MyLovelyBeads.com!
Visual caffeine - Suzanne Golden
Jewelry designer Suzanne Golden (New York City, USA) is
well known not only in the United States, but in Europe
and many other places as one of the most creative
contemporary bead artists. A maverick fashionista, her
unique, instantly recognizable jewelry designs incorporate
stark graphic patterns, bright colors, and a bold scale.
Suzanne was so kind that she agreed to answer our questions.
Thank you, Suzanne!
1. Dear Suzanne, tell us please a couple of words about
I am retired after having worked at the corporate offices
of Estee Lauder for 22 years. I am single and live in a
small apartment overrun with beads, clothing and shoes.
2. When and how did you begin beading? Who or what
introduced you to beading?
About 17 years ago I discovered beading after taking a
workshop with David Chatt
in New York City.
3. What was your first beaded item? Do you know where it
is now?
When I felt I had enough knowledge of all the stitches, I
beaded over small glass bottles and made a series using
various stitches. They were then published in Bead and Button
in the Reader's Gallery. They currently reside in a box in the
bottom of my bead closet.
4. How do you describe your beadwork? Why did you choose
this type of art?
Beading was the perfect medium for me to express my artistic
ability with the use of primary colors and bold, playful styles.
5. They say, your bead art is pop-art style. Do you agree
with them and why?
I don't mind being referred to as "pop art." I leave it to
others to describe or analyze my work.
6. What are the sources of your design inspiration?
My inspiration might come from a picture, clothing or something
colorful and then I try to interpret that into a beaded piece of
wearable art. Color is my biggest influence. I see everything in
the world, from people to nature, in terms of color and it
inspires me to create.
7. How much time does a new piece of bead art take you?
It can take anywhere from 12 hours to over a month.
8. Could you tell us please about your favorite materials and
I am currently using peyote, netting and right angle weave
stitches. My choice of materials varies from seed beads to
crystals to acrylic and plastic beads.
Full interview with Suzanne Golden
Bead artwork by Suzanne Golden
Email: suzannegolden26@gmail.com
Website: www.suzannegolden.com
Be published and noticed!
Be published and noticed, show off your design abilities!
Below is a list of bead magazine and website links where
you can submit your projects and photographs of your
beadworks to be placed in readers'/subscribers' galleries
or even tell your story to be published online:
Featured artist - Marina Nosova
Last year we received from a Siberian bead artist (Tyumen,
Russia) four entries for
Fashion Colorworks 2011; and all of them deserved to
win the contest. Three beadworks were juried into the
final, but no one won the prize! What a disappointment for
the artist, could you imagine that?! The name of artist is
Marina Nosova. Marina is an optimist and she says that to
participate in Fashion Colorworks was more important for
her than to win. In two months she won Silver in
IBA 2011 for After The First Frost Necklace!
Marina is our second feature today; we hope you'll be
glad to know her and her fantastic beadworks.
Marina says, "As my father was a military man, our family
did not have our own permanent residence and we often had
to move to my dad's next service assignment point, but
every time we've done our best to make a new place like a
real home. We've been far from wealth and liked crafting,
so my father has made the furniture himself, and clothes
has been sewed and altered after over and over again.
Clothes decoration was an essential part of it! My
grandmother was a master of decoration, the flowers made
of small fabric pieces blossomed in her hands, the cute
beads and tiny buttons turned into the brooches.
I created my first "jewelry item" when I was nine years old,
it was a heart-shaped pendant made of piece of lead: I put
in a shard of red glass from a broken car's headlight in a
little hole, which I drilled by myself. I also made a chain:
I also made a chain: I took a copper wire and wound it
around the nail, then cut it and so got the little rings that
I assembled into a long chain.
Here I should notice that my dad had a whole storeroom full
of tools of any kind (his pride and joy!), so from time to
time disassembled clocks and household appliances "appeared"
here and there at home. And every time my dad calmly and in
silence fixed them asking after that just for one thing - to
put tools back to their places.
Then I've made several "beaded" necklaces using apple and
date seeds... Since all the military stations where my father
served were far away from the big cities, I created jewelry
of every available material I had at my hands. Thanks to my
aunt who was a seamstress, I had a chance to get to know the
Czech round and bugle beads. Nobody knows where she managed
to get all that luxury stuff when living in a small village!
I graduated from high school in Kazakhstan and had to choose
a college to continue my education. As I was an excellent
student, it was easy for me to enter any university I wanted.
So being of short height but with great ambitions, I decided
to study math to become a computer programmer. And after my
graduations from the university and after I had been teaching
math in the school for 6 years, I finally found a programmer
Full article by Marina Nosova
Beadwork gallery by Marina Nosova
Email: chukchaj@yandex.ru
Gallery: marnos.gallery.ru
Step by step - bracelet embroidery
Knowledge of beadwork basic stitches and techniques
very often is not enough to design beautiful jewelry
and here is very important to take ideas from other
designers. The goal of Marina Nosova's short tutorial
is to work for that. Marina shares her ideas how to
weave and embellish a spring looking bracelet. Marina
refers to three other tutorials; she aims to show off
how someone can implement them to create a bracelet
base and use found objects and leftover from other
How to make: Bracelet Embroidery
Happy Valentine's Day!
Many people throughout the world celebrate this holiday
on February 14. It is the traditional day on which
lovers express their love for each other by sending
Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering
confectionery. The rise of Internet popularity at the
turn of the millennium is creating new traditions.
Millions of people use, every year, digital means of
creating and sending Valentine's Day greeting messages
such as e-cards, love coupons or printable greeting
cards. We would suggest beadweavers to give a handmade
gift to their loved ones: Beaded Heart.
Tutorial by V.Katamashvili. How to make: Beaded Heart
Upcoming events
International Gem & Jewelry Show
February 17-19, 2012
Dulles Expo Center, Chantilly, Virginia
The International Gem & Jewelry Show offers the greatest selection and lowest prices on
diamonds, gold, silver, beads, and more. Choose either costume or fine jewelry from more
than 350 exhibitors from around the world.
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January Issue
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