Happy Autumn!
Today's issue is almost fully dedicated to bead contests.
Some of them are just over, they became history and we
introduce the winners, another contest is starting. Read
in September's issue of our newsletter:
Contact us with any questions at
Best regards, MyLovelyBeads.com Team
Stone of September: LAPIS LAZULI
Stone for acquiring wisdom, esoteric knowledge. Connection between the
physical and celestial. Awareness, attunement, intuition and psychic
ability. Stone of protection. Zodiac signs: Sagittarius (Archer).
Glass from volcano
Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass that is
produced when lava extruded from a volcano cools rapidly with
minimum crystal growth. Obsidian is hard and brittle; it
therefore fractures with very sharp edges, which had been
used in the past in weapons, and are still used as surgical
scalpel blades. Obsidian is mineral-like, but not a true
mineral because as a glass it is not crystalline; in
addition, its composition is too complex to comprise a
single mineral. It is sometimes classified as a mineraloid.
Pure obsidian is usually dark in appearance, though the
color varies depending on the presence of impurities. It's
usually dark green to brown to black color. Very few samples
are nearly colorless. In some stones, the inclusion of small,
white, radially clustered crystals in the black glass produce
a blotchy or snowflake pattern (snowflake obsidian). Obsidian
may contain patterns of gas bubbles remaining from the lava
flow. These bubbles can produce interesting effects such as
a golden sheen (sheen obsidian) or an iridescent, rainbow-like
sheen (rainbow obsidian).
Obsidian can be found in locations which have experienced
eruptions: in Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Canada, Chile,
Greece, El Salvador, Guatemala, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kenya,
Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Scotland and the United States.
Obsidian was valued in Stone Age cultures because, like flint,
it could be fractured to produce sharp blades or arrowheads.
Like all glass and some other types of naturally occurring
rocks, obsidian breaks with a characteristic conchoidal
fracture. It was also polished to create early mirrors.
Modern archaeologists have developed a relative dating system,
obsidian hydration dating, to calculate the age of obsidian
Obsidian is also used for ornamental purposes and as a gemstone.
It possesses the property of presenting a different appearance
according to the manner in which it is cut: when cut in one
direction it is jet black; in another it is glistening gray.
"Apache tears" are small rounded obsidian nuggets embedded
within a grayish-white perlite matrix.
IBA 2012 - Pop Art. Rules
Have fun and join!
Beaders Best announces the second contest of the International Bead
Award (IBA) 2012 to support the art of beadwork. The theme of this
contest is POP ART. "Pop" stands for the English word "popular". The
suitability of mass consume can be or turn to Art. Strong colors and
shapes, two or three dimensional, a certain simplicity, a reference
to everyday objects or free abstraction, all is possible at the same
time as well as a smooth succession of objects. Trivial things become
original and refreshing. Humor is very important!
An international jury manned by five carefully selected people will
judge in 9 categories and assign first, second and third prizes. All
entries will be shown on the
Perlen Poesie
website after the jury finish voting. Website visitors will be able
to vote among all these entries for the public award.
International Bead Award 2012 rules
Submission documents
Fashion Colorworks 2011. Second Place Winners
We continue featuring Fashion Colorworks 2011 winners,
and today we are interviewing the Second Place Winners.
Angelika Motzkin from Israel is the Second Place
winner in Beaded Objects category, she is already well
known artist in beading world and she was our guest in
March, 2010. Svetlana Karimova from Poland was a
participant of the Fashion Colorworks last year, she
did a great job, but this year she has surpassed
herself and won the Second Place in Finished Jewelry
category. We were happy to have bead artists from
Japan in our contest; they create intricate and
exceptional beadwork. We were right, the Japanese
bead artist Fumiko Sekine came Second in Seed Bead
category! So, Second Place Winners, from left to
right: Fumiko Sekine, Svetlana Karimova, Angelika
1. Have you ever taken part in bead competitions?
If so, in which ones?
I've never challenged to entry any bead competitions.
Yes, I've got some experience. The first contest where
I risked to submit my beadwork to was Fashion Colorworks
2010. Later on there were international Haute Couture
Beading Contest 2010 and Fairy Beads 2011, after that
three my contest entries were published in June's issue
of the Fashion Magazine. The last contest I participated
was the challenge held by Polish online bead shop
where my earrings came third.
I participated in contests "Colors of Soul" in Minsk,
"Magic beads" in Moscow and Kiev, and Bead Dreams 2009
where I made the final.
2. Do you think it is important for you to participate
in contests? Why?
Yes, of course. I wanted to try how my beadwork was
regarded and also to showcase my work to people.
I think it's very important. The first is the ability
to express themselves, or, as they say, the ability to
see the others and be seen. Secondly, a competition is
a very powerful incentive to development, an answer
to the question to himself: "I wonder if I can do?" and
then the desire to do something special, amazing. And
thirdly, it's just fun!
Yes, I think I need to participate in exhibitions and
competitions to test my craftsmanship and abilities.
3. Why did you decide to participate in the Fashion
Colorworks Contest?
A friend of mine told me about that competition, I liked
it and decided to give it a try.
After my first Fashion Colorworks 2010 I decided I would
definitely take part in the competition in 2011. I really
liked the friendly atmosphere of this contest, besides
the apparent complexity of the color combination makes
one think of the careful selection of media and design.
And yet I really wanted to show what I could learn over
the past year.
Taking part in "Fashion Colorworks" was my another test
for my possibilities as well as for the quality of my
teaching because some of my students also submitted their
Full interview with Second Place Winners
Beadwork by Fumiko Sekine
Beadwork by Svetlana Karimova
Beadwork by Angelika Motzkin
Native American Necklace contest winners
Our congratulations to the winners of the
Native American Necklace bead contest! This
contest was based on the movie Dances with Wolves,
and entrants were suggested to design a necklace
using seed beads with a peyote stitch and exact
color combination. Alise from Canada took the First
Place, Alema from Russia came in second, and the
Third Place was taken by Zhukis from Latvia. You can
view all of the entries on the Perles & Dent'elles
website, listed in three different languages.
The jurors of the international panel were:
Native American Necklace contest winners
View all of the contest entries
Upcoming events
Sugarloaf Craft Festivals
October 14, 15, 16, 2011
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Mont. Co. Fairgrounds
October 28, 29, 30, 2011
Somerset, New Jersey
Garden State Exhibit Ctr.
Juried Fine Art & Craft Festivals since 1976. Find the
unique handcrafted artwork of thousands of American
Artists! Decorative creations for home & garden,
exceptional fine art & designer crafts!
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September Issue
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