Holiday Season is coming!
Better late than never... Read in the current issue:
Contact us with any questions at
Best regards, Team
Stone of November: AMBER
Helps remove energy blockages, strengthens physical body. Excellent
for enhancing altered states of consciousness. Zodiac signs: Gemini
(Twins), Leo (Lion), Aquarius (Water Bearer).
Cat's eye fact sheet
The traditional November gemstones are
yellow topaz,
citrine and
amber. India people add to that list cat's eye.
Several gemstones that, when cut and polished, display
a luminous band reminiscent of the eye of a cat; this
particular quality is termed chatoyancy. The chatoyant
effect is due to minute parallel cavities. The most
common quartz cat's-eye owes its chatoyancy and
grayish-green or greenish color to parallel fibres
of asbestos in the quartz.
Although other minerals such as tourmaline, scapolite,
corundum, spinel and quartz can form "cat's eye"
stones similar in appearance to cymophane, the jewelry
industry designates these stones as "quartz cat's eyes",
or "ruby cat's eyes" and only chrysoberyl can be
referred to as "cat's eye" with no other designation.
Precious, or oriental, cat's-eye, the rarest and most
highly prized, is a yellow-greenish chatoyant variety
of chrysoberyl called cymophane.
An alexandrite cat's eye is a chrysoberyl cat's eye
that changes color. "Milk and honey" is a term
commonly used to describe the color of the best cat's
eyes. The effect refers to the sharp milky ray of
white light normally crossing the cabochon as a center
line along its length and overlying the honey colored
background. The honey color is considered to be
top-grade by many gemologists but the lemon yellow
colors are also popular and attractive. Cat's eye
material is found as a small percentage of the overall
chrysoberyl production wherever chrysoberyl is found.
Cat's eye really became popular by the end of the
19th century when the Duke of Connaught gave a ring
with a cat's eye as an engagement token, this was
sufficient to make the stone more popular and
increase its value greatly. Until that time, cat's
eye had predominantly been present in gem and mineral
collections. The increased demand in turn created an
intensified search for it in Ceylon. Early 20th
century prices could go up as high as $8000 for a
cut stone.
Fashion Colorworks 2011 is starting!
The second International Fashion Colorworks 2011
Beading Contest is on its way! This year beadworkers
will be able to submit their works in three categories:
Seed Bead Jewelry, Finished Jewelry, and Beaded Objects
and Accessories. Entries in each category should be made
in one of the three color combinations made up from
Pantone Color Institute
fashion colors for spring 2011:
First color combination:
Russet (CMYK: 44-67-76-9; RGB: 92614C)
Coral Rose (CMYK: 0-63-86-0; RGB: F47D39)
Blue Curacao (CMYK: 63-0-22-0; RGB: 4AC3CC)
Second color combination:
Lavender (CMYK: 33-32-0-0; RGB: A9A6D2)
Peapod (CMYK: 56-0-51-0; RGB: 71C59B)
Silver Cloud (CMYK: 25-19-23-0; RGB: C0C0BB)
Third color combination:
Regatta (CMYK: 73-28-0-0; RGB: 3397D3)
Silver Peony (CMYK: 3-13-15-0; RGB: F4DDD0)
Beewax (CMYK: 0-30-78-0; RGB: FDBA51)
The official Fashion Colorworks 2011 rules will be published on in a couple of days.
Contact us with any questions and suggestions at
We still invite sponsors for the Fashion Colorworks 2011 contest!
Fashion Colorworks 2010. Finalist
Finalist - Spring Aroma Necklace
Tatiana Kobets, Odessa, Ukraine
Tatiana Kobets' amazing sping-looking beadwork was also
juried into the final of Fashion Colorworks 2010 Beading
Contest. Tatiana lives in Odessa, Ukraine; and counts off
her beading experience since she was 5-10 years old.
In her childhood Tatiana has played with her mom's old
beaded jewelry pieces, tearing threads and making up
new beads by her own. In the beginning of 80s she bought
a book Fairy Ornaments by Engelisa Litvinets, and started
as she says her real beadwork.
It was difficult to buy nice beads at that time, and
Tatiana has used what she saved from past. She has learned
basic beading techniques and crafted simple necklaces. The
next return to beading occurred in about 1998, when her
daughter, Asya, was 6 years old. The trivial story: Asya
tore her small beaded bracelet; and Tatiana repaired it.
Tatiana's daughter got interested in the beading process,
and mom started teaching her. Then Asya's friends joined
her, and Tatiana has given classes to all of them. Soon
Tatiana was suggested to teach beadwork to kids at the
youth art center.
At first, Tatiana refused being afraid of working with
kids, but then agreed. As she says, now she cannot imagine
her life without her new children, even on vacation she
invites them to home to discuss new designs and techniques.
Tatiana has never participated in any beading contests;
Fashion Colorworks was her first one. She says that her
young students persuaded her to enter, and she didn't
regret: her opening became success. We believe, Tatiana
shared with her students the happiness of the win!
We wish you success, Tatiana!
Gallery of beadwork by Tatiana Kobets
Blog (in Russian):
Fashion Colorworks 2010. Finalist
Finalist - Rendezvous Necklace
Tatiana Zhuravlevich, Minsk, Belorussia
The last winner of the Fashion Colorworks 2010 we feature is
Tatiana Zhuravlevich from Belorussia, another young beadworker.
Her Rendezvous necklace attracted the common attention just
after it was submitted, and in a couple of months it won the
final. Our sincere congratulations to Tatiana!
Tatiana says, "Since my childhood I like art. As far as I
remember, I was always crafting and even writing rhymes.
Once upon the time beads came in to my life... In 2005 I
was lucky to become a teacher giving art classes to kids.
We scrapbooked, quilted, made toys. Little by little, we
added beads to our artworks to embellish toy clothes, it
was the only beadwork at that time, and I didn't know
beading as much as I know it now. Most likely, I would
say "bye-bye" to beads, if I haven't found bead forums
in Internet.
When I saw beadworks of their members my first impression
was, "If is it all beads???" Next day I already started s
hopping beads trying to imagine my creative process. The
new world opened to me!
I think today my creative work is just my first step on
the way to success; I'm trying to find my own way in the
world of beading. I know that I've got a lot to learn and
to strive for. Sometimes looking at my first works I want
to hide them from my friends. Techniques and designs that
know now I used to consider the peak of beadwork.
Even now I like beading not complicated jewelry. Maybe,
the reason of that is my permanent lack of spare time or
patience. Nevertheless, I plan to create more intricate
beadworks. I like looking at the beads, holding them in
my hands, pouring and mixing them. Very often during
such a meditation new ideas come to me. Sometimes
inspiration comes from the usual things that seem not
to be important and unworthy to be reflected in jewelry.
I noticed glowing cat's eyes in the dark, and created
Predator necklace. A draw of a pike in a book inspired
me to design Pike On The Hook necklace. I believe
everything can be a source of inspiration: from a drop
of dew to a planet, both of them are like a bead in
Full article by Tatiana Zhuravlevich
Gallery of beadwork by Tatiana Zhuravlevich
Blog (in Russian):
Perlen Poesie Magazine. Issue 7
On December 10, 2010, the new issue of Perlen Poesie
will be out! In that issue:
• Anna E. Draeger: A portrait of the popular
artist and Swarovski Ambassador;
• Perlen Poesie visited seven bead artists
from France;
• The workshops of the First Bead Art Fair
on 20-21 August, 2011, in Hamburg, Germany;
• 16 wonderful projects from well known bead
designers: Anna Draeger, Zoya Gutina, Claudia Steens,
Melissa Grakowsky, Sabine Lippert, Carol
Dean Sharpe, Claudia Cattaneo, Birgit Bergemann and
some more (yes, I'm in it, too!);
• And more, and more, and more!
The magazine is published in Germany by Beaders Best
Verlag Company, but everybody can subscribe it. If you
live in the USA, you can directly or via Internet buy
single issues of the magazine at the Beads by Blanche
bead shop. Just a reminder: deadline for submissions
for the International Bead Award beading contest held
by Perlen Poesie magazine is December 15, 2010!
International Bead Award beading contest
Subscribe to Perlen Poesie magazine
Buy Perlen Poesie magazine in the USA
Step by step - netted rope stitch
Viktoria Katamashvili continues tutorials on rope stitches.
Today we publish another one, which will teach you how to
weave netted rope. This kind of rope has different texture
than other rope stitches. We hope you'll find all rope
techniques useful! Viktoria Katamashvili also provided a
few samples of using netted rope stitch in jewelry making.
Tutorial: Netted rope stitch
Victoriya Katamashvili. Netted rope stitch in jewelry
Upcoming events
International Gem & Jewelry Show
December 17-20, 2010
Dulles Expo Center, Chantilly, Virginia
The International Gem & Jewelry Show offers the greatest selection and lowest prices on
diamonds, gold, silver, beads, and more. Choose either costume or fine jewelry from more
than 350 exhibitors from around the world.
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November Issue
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