From Team
We have already left Valentine's Day behind us, and we are looking forward to Spring!
In this issue of newsletter:
Contact us with any questions at
Best regards, Team
The stone of courage, protection. Aquamarine stimulates
intellect and spiritual awareness. It also accelerates the
intellectual reasoning process and makes one unconquerable
thru learning - not only of knowledge passed thru teachers
of the past and present, but of oneself. Zodiac signs:
Gemini (Twins), Pisces (Fish), Aries (Ram).
Aquamarine - blue beryl
Aquamarine is a gemstone-quality transparent variety of
beryl, having a delicate blue, greenish blue to blue green
color, typically light in tone, suggestive of the tint of
seawater. The name "aquamarine" comes from Latin
AQUA MARINA - "water of the sea". It occurs at most
localities which yield ordinary beryl, some of the finest
coming from Russia. The gem-gravel placer deposits of Sri
Lanka contain aquamarine. In the United States, aquamarines
can be found in central Colorado. Brazil, Zambia, Madagascar,
Malawi, Tanzania, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Kenya also produce
aquamarine, other sources of aquamarine are in Burma, China,
India, Australia.
The ancient Romans believed that the aquamarine was sacred
to Neptune, the god of the sea, having fallen from the jewel
boxes of sirens and washed onto shore. Early sailors wore
aquamarine talismans, engraved with the likeness of Neptune,
as protection against dangers at sea. They believed that it
would ensure a safe passage, and guarantee a safe return, and
they often slept with the stones under their pillow to ensure
sound sleep. They believed the siren's (mermaid) fish-like
lower body was made of aquamarine.
The association with water led to the belief that the
aquamarine was particularly powerful when immersed. Water in
which this gemstone had been submerged was used in ancient
times to heal a variety of illnesses of the heart, liver,
stomach, mouth and throat.
People in the Middle Ages thought that aquamarine could
magically overcome the effects of poison. A gift of
aquamarine symbolizes both safety and security, especially
within long standing relationships. Some people even say that
the aquamarine reawakens love in a tired marriage.
Aquamarine facts
1. Aquamarine is the official state gem of Colorado.
2. The biggest aquamarine ever mined was found at the city of
Marambaia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1910. It weighed over 110 kg,
and its dimensions were 48.5 cm long and 42 cm in diameter.
New on
We are working on our Spring collection. Some of our new
items have already been presented on the site in
New Items section. We have recently added new articles on
jewelry making, here is the short list of articles:
• Beadwoven jewelry by Kerrie Slade
• Jewelry sculpturing by Dawn Vertrees
• Kumihimo braiding by Susan Daigle
• Silversmithing by Hanna Ben-Nathan
Featured artist
Bead artist Kerrie Slade lives in Nottinghamshire,
England and here she shares with us some of her thoughts
on inspiration and design in beadwork. Kerrie discovered
beads in her late thirties and credits them with changing
her life. She knew from the beginning that she wanted
to create her own designs in beadwork, but was daunted
at first, thinking an artistic background would be needed
to be able to make her way in this field. Through hard
work and perseverance however, she developed her skills
and now has her designs featured in several popular bead
magazines. She also sells her original work via craft
fairs, galleries and her website.
Kerrie is a great believer in pushing both herself and the
boundaries in beadwork in order to create interesting and
unusual designs. Her advice to anyone just starting out is
"Don't take no for an answer - not even from yourself".
She has often been called "a perfectionist" and whilst she
admits that she still has a lot to learn regarding the
actual techniques of beading, she doesn't consider the
attention to detail in her work to be a bad thing. She will
often spend days or even weeks working on the design of a
piece until she is happy with its color, shape and form.
The inspiration for her work comes mainly from nature,
especially her garden, and she enjoys attempting to recreate
her favorite flowers in beadwork. She is also often inspired
by an interesting color or finish of beads or an unusual clasp.
Her "Hibiscus Twist" necklace for example, was designed wholly
around a pretty silver butterfly shaped clasp that caught her
Kerrie says she is passionate about beads and beadwork and she
is currently experimenting with mixing different stitches and
using variations of a stitch in her designs. Please take the
time to look at both Kerrie's gallery of work and her website,
or read her blog, and feel free to send Kerrie your comment.
Gallery on
Read the
full article on beadwoven jewelry by Kerrie Slade.
Types of beads
A bead is a small, decorative object that is pierced
for threading or stringing. Beads range in size from
under a millimeter to over a centimeter or sometimes
several centimeters in diameter. Glass, plastic, and
stone are probably the most common materials, but beads
are also made from bone, horn, ivory, metal, shell,
pearl, coral, gemstones, polymer clay, metal clay, resin,
synthetic minerals, wood, ceramic, fiber, paper, and
seeds. A pair of beads made from Nassarius shells that
are approximately 100,000 years old are thought to be
the first known examples of jewelry.
Chevron beads are special glass beads, originally
made for the slave trade in Africa by glassmakers in Italy.
They are composed of many consecutive layers of colored
Dichroic glass beads are high-end art beads.
Dichroic glass has a thin film of metal fused to the
surface of the glass, resulting in a surface that has a
metallic sheen that changes between two colors when
viewed at different angles.
Ethnic beads are considered trade beads made in
West Africa, by and for Africans, such as Mauritanian Kiffa
beads, and Ghanaian and Nigerian powder glass beads. Other
ethnic beads include Tibetan Dzi beads and African-made
brass beads. Rudraksha beads are seeds that are customary
in India for making Buddhist and Hindu rosaries (malas).
Magatama are traditional Japanese beads, and cinnabar was
often used for beads in China.
Faux natural beads are made to look like a more
expensive original material, especially in the case of
fake pearls and simulated rocks, minerals, and gemstones.
Precious metals and ivory are also imitated.
Fire-polished beads are faceted glass beads made
in the Czech Republic. They are faceted by machine and
then drawn through ovens to make the surfaces molten,
and thus shiny when the beads cool.
Furnace (cane) glass beads are made using
traditional glassworking techniques from Italy that are
more often used to make art glass objects. The manufacture
of these beads requires a large glass furnace and annealing
Fusible beads are small, plastic and colorful beads
that are placed on a peg array with a solid plastic backing
to form pictures and designs and then melted together with
a clothes iron.
Lampwork beads are made by using a torch to heat
a rod of glass and spinning the resulting thread around
a metal rod covered in bead release.
Lead crystal beads (also known as machine cut crystal)
are cut crystal beads made with hi-tech precise machinery.
Swarovski along with Preciosa branded crystal beads are the
most prized by jewelers and hobbyists.
Millefiori (mosaic) beads are made of plain wound
glass bead cores and thin slices of cut cane (murrine) which
are being pressed into the bead surface, forming mosaic-like
patterns, while the glass is still hot.
Pressed glass beads are formed by pressing the hot
glass into mold to give the bead its shape.
Seed beads are uniformly shaped spherical or tube
shaped beads ranging in size from under a millimeter to
several millimeters. "Seed Bead" is a generic term for any
small bead.
Trade (slave) beads are various types of beads made
in Europe specifically to be used in the slave trade and
other trading in Africa.
Happy Easter! Easter eggs
Spring is here and for our another Featured Artist this month, it
is her favorite time of year. Natasha Razumova began bead-weaving
Easter eggs many years ago as a way to celebrate her favorite
holiday. Like Spring, this holiday represents a new life and
Resurrection for her. She and her family, including two daughters
ages 1 and 4, celebrate the season with their Orthodox faith. As
celebration, she includes various themes on her eggs such as
churches, birds, animals, and crosses.
Originally from Rostov-on-Don, Russia, Natasha Razumova now lives
in Bonn, Germany where she has been a resident for 5 years. She
tells us that she creates these beautiful Easter eggs not just to
share her enjoyment of the holiday with others, but also because
it makes her feel relaxed and happy. We hope they make you feel
the same way. Please view her work and celebrate Spring with us!
Natasha's work can be seen at her gallery:
bead woven Easter eggs gallery.
Contact Natasha with any questions at
Visit Natasha's website:
Step by step
Carol Holmes, a bead artist from Virginia, USA represents her
project of how to create
Starflower Earrings using seed beads. She assumes that you
are nor a beginner neither an advanced bead weaver. Try "Starflower
earrings" with Spring colors and enjoy! Feel free to ask Carol any
questions on the project at
Upcoming events
2008 Wearable Expressions International Exhibition
March 22 - April 13, 2008
Palos Verdes Art Center
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
2008 Wearable Expressions International Juried Exhibition of Wearable Art will take
place in Los Angeles area, among artists from all over the world are beaded jewelry
artists: Zoya Gutina, Tatiana Van Iten, Lana May.
To see the list of fiber and jewelry artists click
Smithsonian Craft Show
April 9-13, 2008
Thursday-Saturday: 10 am to 7pm; Sunday 11 am to 5 pm
National Building Museum, Washington, D.C
Juried fine crafts by some of about 120 America's top craft artists.